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Abror, Sujud Nurul (2023) Jumbled Sentences of Descriptive Text in the Treasure Hunt Game Activity: A Case Study at an Islamic Junior High School in Banjarnegara. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Adiyana, Anzalna Rahma (2023) The Implementation of English Songs on Spotify App in Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in 9th Grade of MTs Nurul Islam Kriyan. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Israwati, Inaya (2023) The Correlation Between Students’ Reading Habits of English Texts and Students’ Mastery of Simple Past Tense (A Correlational Study at 10th Grade of Ma Ihyaul Ulum Wedarijaksa Pati). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Khoirurroqib, Khoirurroqib (2023) Comparative Study Between Tgt (Team Game Turnament) And Traditional Learning Model In Enhance Students' Writing Skills Ability On A Descriptive Text (The Case Study In The Sevent Grader At Mts Tahfidz Yanbuul Qur'an Menawan In The Year 2022-2023). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Maliya, Marissa Noor (2023) Pronunciation Errors in Reading Recount Text of 8th Graders at Islamic Junior High School in Kudus. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.
Nurullita, Shafira (2023) The Use of Idiomatic Expressions in Comic Strips to Facilitate Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at an Indonesian Senior High School in Kudus. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Zahro, Aulina (2023) Increasing Students’ Vocabulary Through English Songs at SMK N 1 Kalinyamatan. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.