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Abror, Sujud Nurul (2023) Jumbled Sentences of Descriptive Text in the Treasure Hunt Game Activity: A Case Study at an Islamic Junior High School in Banjarnegara. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Adiyana, Anzalna Rahma (2023) The Implementation of English Songs on Spotify App in Improving Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in 9th Grade of MTs Nurul Islam Kriyan. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Adreavi, Icha Erly Aisida (2024) The Correlation Between the Habit of Listening to English Song and Student Pronunciation Ability at the Eleventh Grade of Vocational School in Pati. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.
Agustina, Putri Laila (2022) An Analysis of Taboo Words in Victoria and Abdul Movie Written by Lee Hall Directed by Stephen Frears. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Alfathin, Catur Haanii (2023) The Utilization of Social Media for English Language Teaching Classroom: A Qualitative Meta-Analysis”. State Islamic Institute of Kudus. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.
Almaratussakhomah, Ayik (2022) A Content Analysis of Moral Education Value in Secrets of Divine Love: A Journey into the Heart of Islam. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Amalinda, Rysa Zulfa (2023) Student Centered Learning in Implementation of Think-Pair-Share Method In Asking for and Giving Opinion (A Case Study at Eight Grade Of Private Junior High School in Kudus). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Amanina, Husna (2023) Students’ Perception Toward the Use of Code Switching in English Language Teaching (A Case Study at X MIPA 2 of MA Ma’ahid Kudus). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Andre, Muhammad Julio (2023) An Analysis of Implementing Pictures as Media in Teaching Speaking of The Five Pillars of Islam at IPNU IPPNU Tegalsambi, Jepara English Program. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Anjelie, Eka Romia (2023) ‘I Can Not Focus On My Class’: Class Size and Seating Arrangements Influences Towards EFL Students’ Engagement in the Classroom. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Arfiani, Lenny (2023) The English Subject Assessments of Merdeka Curriculum (A Case Study at Islamic Junior High Schools in Kudus. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Arifin, Hilda Ukhti Firqotun Najiah (2021) The Correlation Between English Learning Motivation And Vocabulary Mastery During Covid-19 Pandemic Situation (A Correlation Study Of 7th Graders At Mts In Jepara). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.
Arzad, Azizah Maulina (2015) INOVASI DALAM PEMBELAJARAN MATA KULIAH PRAKTIKUM BAHASA INGGRIS DI STAIN KUDUS. EDUKASIA STAIN Kudus, 10 (2). pp. 339-366. ISSN (P-ISSN : 1907-7254 ; E-ISSN : 2502-3039)
Azhar, Diah Izdihar Wahyuni (2022) An Analysis of Idiomatic Expression in Zootopia Movie Directed by Ricky Hover. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Cahyani, Vivi (2023) Students’ Motivations and Expectations for Joining English Education Department: English Department Students Association’s Voices. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Clarita, Lusi Ardanisa Mei (2022) The Implementation of Translating Qur’an Verses into English to Enhance Students’ Vocabulary at SMA Budi Utomo Jombang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Deffiani, Lisa (2023) What Makes Learners Anxious While Speaking English:Perceptions of Indonesian Islamic University Students. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Dzikriani, Maulida Alfi (2022) An Analysis of Student Anxiety In Speaking English In Front Of The Class At Eleventh Grade of Ma Khoiriyah Margoyoso Pati. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Fahriyah, Ifthina (2023) A Narrative Inquiry to Explore Teacher's Experience in Implementing Tiktok as an Interesting Media for Learning English on Madrasah Tsanawiyah. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Faizah, Via Khabibatul (2023) A Content Analysis of Reading Materials in the English Textbook for Tenth Grade of Senior High School. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.
Fauzah, Siti (2023) The Use of Islamic Songs to Improve Students’ English Vocabulary (A Study at An Islamic Junior High School in Probolinggo). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Febriani, Agita Duwi (2023) Analisis Nilai Moral Islam Pada Buku Teks Bahasa Inggris Berjudul Pathway to English Kelas X SMA. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.
Fitri, Mila Aisyah (2023) An Analysis of LOTS and HOTS Items based on Bloom’s Taxonomy in Exercise English Textbook Entitled: “Pathway to English for Twelfth-Grade. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Fitriyani, Auliya (2021) Online Teaching and Learning Using WhatsApp and School Web Portal during COVID-19 Pandemic: Exploring English Language Learning on Private High School in Kudus, Indonesia. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.
Hamidah, Wardani (2023) Exploring Students With Deafness or Hard Of Hearing (DHH) Experience in Listening Classes: a Narrative Inquiry. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.
Hanifah, Ulfa (2024) An Analysis of Illocutionary Speech in the Animated Zootopia Movie ( a Study of Pragmatics). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.
Hanifiyyah, Fitroh (2022) Correlational Study between Students’ Mastery in Using Simple Present Tense and their Ability in Writing of Analytical Exposition Text at MA Darul Ulum Purwogondo. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Haq, M. Hanif Irhamul (2023) Difficulties of Single-Sex Class Students in Learning Speaking: A Case Study at One Islamic Senior High School In Kudus. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Haq, M. Hanif Irhamul (2023) Difficulties of Single-Sex Class Students in Learning Speaking: A Case Study at One Islamic Senior High School In Kudus. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.
Hasanah, Dewi Rohmatul (2023) The Implementation of Storyboard Media to Improve the Seventh Grade Students' Narrative Text Writing at Mts Miftahul Huda Sumberrejo Jepara. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Hasanah, Dewi Rohmatul (2023) The Implementation of Storyboard Media to Improve the Seventh Grade Students' Narrative Text Writing at Mts Miftahul Huda Sumberrejo Jepara. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Hayati, Nur (2023) An Analysis Of English Speaking Anxiety Experienced By Islamic English Club Students In Speaking Performance (A Study At Man 2 Kudus). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Imanah, Nur (2023) Representation of Higher Order Thinking Skills in Reading Comprehension Questions Issued by The Islamic Educational Organization in Jepara. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.
Islamiyah, Dwi Nurul (2023) Using Gamification For Enhancing Students' Motivation In English Language Teaching In Indonesia: Qualitative Meta-Analysis. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.
Istiqomah, Nurul (2023) The Effectiveness of Audio-Lingual Method (ALM) to Improve Student English Speaking Skills: A Meta Analysis. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Khamidah, Siti Nur (2023) “I Need to Learn English”: A Narrative Inquiry of Motivation and Personality in Learning English for Islamic Senior High School Students. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Khoiriyah, Siti Farihatul (2022) The Implementation of Blended Learning Model by Using WhatsApp in English Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic Era at The Eighth Grade of SMP Nu Putri Nawa Kartika Kudus. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Khumayyah, Aulia Fitrika (2023) Employing English Song To Improve Vocabulary Mastery Of The Seventh Grade Students' At Islamic Junior High School. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Kurniati, Retno (2022) The Implementation Of Using Humor Strategy To Improve Speaking Skill At Islamic Vocational High School Al-Hikmah 2 Welahan. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Kusumayani, Indah Purnamasari (2023) Analysis of Teacher’s Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension : A Case Study at one Islamic Junior High School in Kudus. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Maliya, Marissa Noor (2023) Pronunciation Errors in Reading Recount Text of 8th Graders at Islamic Junior High School in Kudus. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.
Maulana, Alfian Rohman (2022) A Content Analysis of The Vocabulary on Disney Movies Playlist In ‘Learn English with TV Series’ Youtube Channel. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Miskiyah, Nafkhatul (2021) Analyzing Lexical Density and Readability of Reading Texts in English Textbook Stop Bullying Now by Mahrukh Bashir. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Muawanah, Alifatul (2021) Exploring Students Barriers In Passive Voice Class: Qualitative Research On Indonesian Vocational High School. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.
Munawaroh, Anisa (2021) Instilling Islamic Moderation Values in English Teaching at the Tenth Graders of SMK N 1 Kedung in 2020/2021. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.
Naimah, Malikhatun (2023) An Analysis of Writing Materials in “Bahasa Inggris” An English Textbook Published By Mahrukh Bashir of Islamic Senior High School Grade XI Darul Huda Ponorogo. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Ni'mah, Fitriyatun (2022) The Implementation of Teaching Reading Comprehension in Recount Text by Using Numbered Heads Together Technique (A Case Study at an Islamic Junior High School in Pati). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Nuha, M. Ulin (2021) Do English Textbooks for High School Contain Peace value? Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.
Nur, Bernika Aulia (2023) Indonesian Efl Teachers Perceptions Of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Theoritical And Practical. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Nurunni’mah, Laily (2023) Students’ Perception on Digital Storytelling as an Active Learning Tool for Improving Speaking Skill: A Portrait of An Islamic Secondary School in Pati. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Pradipta, Ayu (2023) The Semantic Analysis of Figurative Language in Harry Styles’s Album. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.
Qusrini, Dewi (2023) The Use of WordsBooster Application in Enhancing English Language Learning: Perception of Students in an Indonesian Vocational School. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Rahayu, Selviana (2023) Integrating Cultural Awareness in Teaching English As Foreign Langguage at MA NU Al-Hidayah. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Sabila, Ilmi (2023) Students’ Perceptions in Using Online Games to Improve English Vocabulary (A Study at College Student English Club in Kudus). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Sabrilla, Alifya Putri (2022) Implementation of “Tandur” System in Teaching Speaking and Listening at the Second Grade of SMK Al-Hikmah 2 Welahan. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.
Salma, Yunita (2022) An analysis of Figurative Language Found in I’m The Best Muslim Movie Written by Erfian Asafat. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Saputro, Achmad Hilman Bagas (2023) Students’ Perception on The Use of Instagram Social Media to Enhance Listening Skill at SMA 1 Gebog. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Sari, Tri Susmita (2023) English Learning Program in an Indonesian Islamic Boarding School (a Case Study at One Bilingual Islamic Boarding School in Kudus). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.
Setyaningrum, Anisah Adaptasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di Masa Pandemi Covid-19. In: Kanvas Strategi PJJ. IAIN Kudus.
Setyaningrum, Anisah Creating Flexibility in Learning English During the Covid-19 Pandemic. In: Seminar Nasional "Praktik Baik Pendidik Pahlawan PJJ Covid-19.
Setyaningrum, Anisah Incorporating Islamic Studies in Teaching English For Young Muslim Learners: Pre-Service English Teachers’ Voices. In: Proceeding of National Conference on English Literature.
Setyaningrum, Anisah Islamic Values Reflection In The English Teaching And Learning Process At An Islamic Educational Institution In Kudus. In: National Conference.
Setyaningrum, Anisah Lecturers’ View towards the Role of English in the Spread of Tafsir Nusantara. In: International Conference.
Setyaningrum, Anisah Majalah Vernacular Edisi 25. IAIN Kudus.
Setyaningrum, Anisah Multimodality in the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture-Endorsed EFL Textbook. In: National Conference.
Setyaningrum, Anisah OBSTACLES TO READING ENGLISH ISLAMIC TEXT ENCOUNTERED BY BIDIKMISI STUDENTS OF IAIN KUDUS. In: Prosiding of National Conference on English Literature Contemporary Issue in Islam and English Literature.
Setyaningrum, Anisah Persepsi Mahasiswa Milenial terhadap Peran Bahasa inggris dalam Penyebaran Nilai Islam. IAIN Kudus.
Setyaningrum, Anisah Praktik Baik Pendidik Pahlawan PJJ Covid-19. In: Creating Flexibility in Learning English During the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Setyaningrum, Anisah Preserving Regional Language and Mastering Foreign Languages in Millennial Era. IAIN Kudus.
Setyaningrum, Anisah Preserving Regional Language and Mastering Foreign Languages in Millennial Era. IAIN Kudus.
Setyaningrum, Anisah Recover Together Recover Stronger Jilid 1. IAIN Kudus.
Setyaningrum, Anisah Santri and English Mastery: An Effort in Supporting the World Peace. IAIN Kudus.
Setyaningrum, Anisah Strengthening Regional Language in the Midst of Foreign Language Development. IAIN Kudus.
Setyaningrum, Anisah Uji Similiarity: Review of Curriculum Renewal for Islamic Education: Critical Perspectives on Teaching Islam in Primary and Secondary Schools. IAIN Kudus.
Setyaningrum, Anisah Uji Similiarity: The Use of Commercial Transactions Hadith in Learning English for Business. IAIN Kudus.
Setyaningrum, Anisah The Urgency of English Lesson Taught in Every Level of Education inIndonesia to Support the World Peace. IAIN Kudus.
Setyaningrum, Anisah Vernacular Edisi 24. IAIN Kudus.
Setyaningrum, Anisah and Wati, NS Uji Similiarity: Professionalizing Your English Language Teaching. IAIN Kudus.
Shevira, Nadya Riezke (2023) The Representation of ICT Competencies in the Textbook “Active English” for the Tenth Grade Senior High School: Published by Intan Pariwara. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Sholahuddin, Ahmad (2023) An Analysis of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in English Learning Curriculum at an Islamic Boarding School in Kajen Pati. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Sofi, Nur Akhlis (2022) Students’ Anxiety in Learning English (A Case Study at the 8th Grade of MTs Al-Hidayah Langon - Jepara). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Sriyati, Sriyati (2023) The Implementation of Tongue Twister to Improve Explosive Consonant Pronunciation of Eighth Graders: a Case Study in an Islamic Junior High School in Pati. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.
Tastaftian, Agus Nur (2023) The Demonstration Method in Procedure Text to Enhance Students’ Speaking Skill : A Case Study at One Islamic Junior School in Demak. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Wulandari, Fitri (2021) Encouraging Students’ Self-Confidence In Speaking Ability Through Project-Based Learning On Online Learning System. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Yuliarti, Novia (2023) The Implementation of Cocomelon YouTube Channel as a Medium to Learning English Vocabulary for Playgroup in Sukolilo Pati. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Yulva, Uni (2023) An Analysis Of Students' Difficulties In Reading Comprehension (A Case Study Of Eleventh-Grade Students of MA Sholahuddin Kerangkulon Wonosalam Demak). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Zahro, Aulina (2023) Increasing Students’ Vocabulary Through English Songs at SMK N 1 Kalinyamatan. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.
Zahro, Auliya (2023) Research with the title "Increasing Students' Pronunciation through English Song (A Case Study in a State Vocational School in Jepara Grade 11). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.