Items where Division is "Fakultas Tarbiyah > Tadris Bahasa Inggris (BI)" and Year is 2022

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Number of items: 43.


Afifah, Vivi (2022) An Analysis Of Cultural Content On “Bahasa Inggris” Textbook For The Tenth Graders. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

Agustina, Putri Laila (2022) An Analysis of Taboo Words in Victoria and Abdul Movie Written by Lee Hall Directed by Stephen Frears. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

Alfiaturrohmah, Nila (2022) The Representation of Indonesian and Western Culture in ELT Textbooks: Yuen’s Checklist Evaluation. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

Almaratussakhomah, Ayik (2022) A Content Analysis of Moral Education Value in Secrets of Divine Love: A Journey into the Heart of Islam. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

Amelia, Resi (2022) The Effectiveness Of Picture Series Media In Writing Recount Text Of The 8th Grade Students Junior High School. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

Aslimah, Nurul (2022) An Analysis of Students’ English Speaking Anxiety during Online Learning (A Study at Vocational High School in Jepara. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

Azhar, Diah Izdihar Wahyuni (2022) An Analysis of Idiomatic Expression in Zootopia Movie Directed by Ricky Hover. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

Azkiya, Kamila Riezky (2022) Readability Level of Reading Text in Senior High School Textbook BAHASA INGGRIS SMA/MA/SMK/MK KELAS X. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.


Clarita, Lusi Ardanisa Mei (2022) The Implementation of Translating Qur’an Verses into English to Enhance Students’ Vocabulary at SMA Budi Utomo Jombang. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.


Diana, Ni’ma (2022) Implementing Role Play to Enhance EFL Students’ Speaking Skills in New Normal Era at MTs Al-Alawiyah Karangrandu Pecangaan Jepara. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.

Dzikriani, Maulida Alfi (2022) An Analysis of Student Anxiety In Speaking English In Front Of The Class At Eleventh Grade of Ma Khoiriyah Margoyoso Pati. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.


Faizah, Nova Auliyatul (2022) The Effect of Snowball Throwing Method to Improve Student’s Vocabulary Mastery in the Theme Daily Routines at Eight Grade of MTs Mazro’atul Huda Wonorenggo Demak. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

Falah, Harisul (2022) Religious Moderation Values in the Song “One Big Family” by Maher Zain. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.


HANA, SITI FATCHATUL (2022) An Analysis of Deixis in Analytical Recount Texts Written by the Students of MA Darul Ulum Kudus Grade X in The School Year 2020/2021. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.

Hanifiyyah, Fitroh (2022) Correlational Study between Students’ Mastery in Using Simple Present Tense and their Ability in Writing of Analytical Exposition Text at MA Darul Ulum Purwogondo. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

Hayati, Devi Nur (2022) Pancasila Values on the English Textbook When English Rings a Bell for Creating Students’ Character. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.

Hidayah, Nuril (2022) The Use Of Non-Verbal Communication To Improve Introvert Students' Speaking Ability In Ma Mazro'atul Huda Wonorenggo Demak. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.


Khasanah, Inayatun (2022) Developing Students’ Listening Comprehension Ability Through The English Song At Second Grade Of MTS Matolibul Ulum Lebak. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

Khoiriyah, Siti Farihatul (2022) The Implementation of Blended Learning Model by Using WhatsApp in English Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic Era at The Eighth Grade of SMP Nu Putri Nawa Kartika Kudus. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

Khoirunnisa, Ana (2022) An Analysis of Character Education Values in the 2013 Curriculum English Textbook Entitled Bahasa Inggris Think Globally Act Locally. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

Kiftiyah, Arlita (2022) The Use Of Code Mixing Found In Instagram Posts. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

Kurniati, Retno (2022) The Implementation Of Using Humor Strategy To Improve Speaking Skill At Islamic Vocational High School Al-Hikmah 2 Welahan. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.


Lailiyah, Masfufatul (2022) Reflection of Islamic Values in The English Teaching and Learning at An Islamic Junior High School in Kudus in Academic Year 2021/2022. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

lailiyah, Sa’adatul (2022) Moral Values representation in Indonesian EFL textbook for senior high school (a content analysis of EFL textbooks for senior high school). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.


Maulana, Alfian Rohman (2022) A Content Analysis of The Vocabulary on Disney Movies Playlist In ‘Learn English with TV Series’ Youtube Channel. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

Muawanah, Inayatun (2022) Students’ Perceptions Toward Blended English Learning During Pandemic At A Private Islamic Senior High School In Kudus. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

Murdiyanti, Antik (2022) An Analysis of Character Education in An English Textbook Entitled Bahasa Inggris For Twelfth Grade of Senior High School. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

Murtasiah, Siti (2022) The Implementation of Daily Conversation Method to Improve Students’ Speaking Ability at MTs Darul Ulum Purwogondo. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.


Nadlif, Muh. Azka (2022) The Roles of English Teachers in Strengthening Students’ Critical Thinking and Communication Competencies in the 21st Century Era at MTs NU Hasyim Asy’ari 2 Gebog Kudus. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

Ni'mah, Fitriyatun (2022) The Implementation of Teaching Reading Comprehension in Recount Text by Using Numbered Heads Together Technique (A Case Study at an Islamic Junior High School in Pati). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

Nisa, Novia Khoirun (2022) An Analysis Of Posistive Politeness Strategy Of Main Character In The Movie Frozen 1. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

Nurmanten, Eva Octavia (2022) Exploring Students’ Motivation for Joining English Club: A Phenomenology Study at Islamic University State. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.


Rahmawati, Siti (2022) Using Narrative Inquiry To Explore Indonesian Pre-Service English Teachers Experiences In English Speaking Class: Obstacles And Strategies. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.

Rohmah, Alfi (2022) The Use of “Tongue Twister” Method to Improve Students' Ability in Pronuncing Pure Vowels and Diphthongs (Case Study at MTs Annur Daren Nalumsari Jepara). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.


Sabrilla, Alifya Putri (2022) Implementation of “Tandur” System in Teaching Speaking and Listening at the Second Grade of SMK Al-Hikmah 2 Welahan. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN Kudus.

Salma, Yunita (2022) An analysis of Figurative Language Found in I’m The Best Muslim Movie Written by Erfian Asafat. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

Sari, Cindy Fatika (2022) Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Menulis Teks Deskriptif Menggunakan Media Gambar di Kelas VII SMP Islam Al Hidayah Langon Tahunan Jepara. Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

Sari, Fradilla Zulfa (2022) The Analysis of Reading Tasks in Textbook Entitled “Pathway to English” For Second Grade Students of Senior High School. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

Setiani, Indah (2022) The Analysis Of Vocabulary Exercises In “Pathway To English”, An English Textbook For Tenth Grade Of Senior High School, Published By Erlangga. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

Sofi, Nur Akhlis (2022) Students’ Anxiety in Learning English (A Case Study at the 8th Grade of MTs Al-Hidayah Langon - Jepara). Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

Susanto, Kiki Prasetyohati (2022) The Implementation of Small Group Discussion Method in Writing Descriptive Text for Tenth Grade of Walisongo Senior High School Pecangaan Jepara Academic Year 2020/2021. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.


Thoyyibah, Zubdatut (2022) An Analysis of Moral Value in Onward Movie Produced by Walt Disney Pixar. Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.


Zam Zami, M. Akmalun Ni'am (2022) Employing Technology-Based Learning to Enhance Student’s Listening Skills Amidst Covid-19 Outbreak at Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus. Undergraduate thesis, IAIN KUDUS.

This list was generated on Sun Dec 22 14:30:20 2024 WIB.